The Following Foods Trigger Acne You Need To Avoid

Acne problem is common in anyone. In the teen age, men are more prone to acne than women. On the contrary, when I get older, women are more prone to acne than men.

When it appears on the face, acne often cause discomfort and reduce self-confidence. These skin problems are generally triggered due to blockage of the pores by the buildup of dead skin cells, bacteria, and excess oil, which then inflamed so it appears acne. But most people believe that there are some foods that cause acne that plays an important role in the growth of acne. One study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, revealed no linkage diet with the emergence of acne.

Foods that cause acne that must be avoided and start to watch out for are fried foods, dairy products, chocolate, sugar, and fast food which tastes really delicious. Although it is not a dangerous disease, acne in the form of small bumps and filled with pus in some conditions will definitely make you uncomfortable because of the pain. Acne problems will also leave scars such as scar tissue if the healing is not perfect.

Here are some foods that cause acne:

1. Chips

Foods that cause acne one of them is potato Chips. Foods that cause acne it turns out to have a high glycemic index, which may trigger increased insulin and glucose in the body. In addition to potato chips, French fries, and bread also have a high glycemic index, which you should avoid.

2. Fried foods

One of the most well-known acne-causing foods is fried foods. Fried foods are everyone’s favorite food, from chicken to french fries. However, eating these acne-causing foods can lead to excess fat, which makes the skin look duller and less elastic. Fried foods can damage the nutrients and vitamins that are essential for the appearance of our skin and our overall health.

Fries and acne seem to be difficult to separate. Many have proven that the consumption of foods that contain lots of oil or foods that cause acne has the potential to increase oil production on the face. Excess sebum is one of the causes of acne.

3. Chocolate

Chocolate as one of the causes of acne is already trusted by the community since the first. It is related to the content of the processed chocolate contains a lot of sugar that can cause acne.

Increased blood sugar can increase the hormones that cause acne. Eating foods that cause acne-like white chocolate can cause acne because it can trigger the heat in the skin.

4. Fast food

Foods that cause acne the next one is fast food. Types of food such as burgers, nuggets, hot dogs, fries, soda, and milkshakes has long been suspected to be the cause of acne.

It is important to note that some research about the fast food just show the pattern of eating habits and the risk of acne. Doesn’t mean fast food is food that causes acne that surely every time you eat it. Therefore, it is necessary more research.

5. High omega-6 fatty

Foods that cause acne the next is the food of high fat content of omega-6. Foods rich in omega-6 suspected to be the cause of acne. Corn and soybean oil, including foods rich in omega-6 fats.

Diet most people of the world are now leaning to the foods high in omega-6 and less omega-3. Unfortunately, the imbalance of omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 encourages the body is experiencing inflammation that can worsen the severity of acne

Well, those are some acne-triggering foods that we have summarized from various sources

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